Lou Coleman

“Don’t Do It”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Don’t fall for Satan lies! Satan says, bow to me, turn to the ways of the world, submit to temptation, and I’ll give you whatever you want in this life. The devil is a bold faced LIAR. You bow down to the devil, and no matter what he promised you, even if he could give it to you, it’s a loose, loose situation. He is in the business of deceit and deception, and don’t give a care about you. It is your soul he is after and if he can get you to buy into his lies, your soul he will have and you both will end up in Hell!

So no matter what sweet deal the devil offers you, rebuke him in the name of Jesus…Yell at him like you yell at your kids, (just keeping it real) Get away from me! Get out of here! But know at the same time that even after you done all the yelling, the devil will keep coming. He’ll keep trying. That’s what the devil does. He thinks that maybe, just for a moment, you’ll forget who you are; forgot you belong to Jesus, and fall into his trap. He’ll put you on the slippery slope with little temptations, he’ll play on your pride and your ego, and eventually, when all else fails, just like with Jesus, he’ll offer you the world. But he’s a LIAR, and he won’t follow through and you will have sold you soul for nothing. Jesus remembered who He was and in each of His temptations He quoted from Scripture, and it STOPPED the devil cold. He knew that there was nothing of value the devil could give Him. It was all a trap that led to nowhere.

Anytime the devil hurls something at you, rebuke him in Jesus name. And let me remind you, the devil’s not your friend, he’s not your confidant, he’s your enemy!  Don’t play ball with the devil!  Seek to understand him. If you know what your enemy is like, and what he is apt to do, you can develop a battle plan to defeat him. We as Christians are at war with Satan, but we will never be victorious until we understand the enemy and learn to depend upon our Savior. If we are going to overcome we must adopt a spiritual warfare worldview and put on the whole armor of God, so that we will have the tools necessary to defeat our enemy.

You should understand this fact –. The devil wants to take you out- Period! He wants to murder your purity, he wants to kill your happiness, he wants to destroy your spiritual life, and he wants nothing more than your death. If you are a Christian, your death takes your influence out of this world. If you are not a Christian, your death delivers you into the Devil’s hands. He will tell any lie, and make up any accusation, in order to kill you. Make no mistake about it!

You better hear me now! Once you have heard the truth, you had better respond to it. When you’ve heard God’s message of love spoken to you, respond to it. When you’ve heard the Holy Spirit moving you to change something in your life or to do something for Him, respond to it. Do what He says. Because when you hear the Spirit speaking to you and you ignore it, the Bible tells us that you’re worse off than if you’d never been shown the light. You have no excuse anymore because you know the truth. You know what it takes to get to Heaven. You know what God wants you to do. The mercy of God will extend to great lengths, but God is a gentleman and He won’t keep on pushing you when you keep on ignoring Him. Listen for the voice of God and obey Him when He speaks.

You have been confronted with the truth. And it’s up to you to decide what you’re going to do with it. Are you going to respond to it? Or are you going to ignore it? It’s totally up to you. It’s your choice. But I plead with you to respond to it. Because when you stand before God on that final day and you say, “But I didn’t do anything,” His response will be, “I know, that’s just it; you didn’t do anything…Away from me, you evildoers!”

Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman