“Don’t Let The Devil Keep Beating You Up!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Some of you are so bound up by Satan that you think that that is the way of life and it is never going to change. Not only does Satan have control of your life, but he has control of your mind, and he keeps placing these strongholds in your mind and you accept them like a fool! God says he who the Son sets free is free indeed! But some of you are so bound up that it is a wonder that you are even able to move and breathe, and the only reason that you are bound and are suffering is because you are allowing it, thinking you can’t do anything about it. That is a lie from the pit of hell, and Satan is selling you a book of goods and you are buying it hook, line, and sinker. I tell you until you stand up and say “Enough is enough,” Satan and his minions are going to keep right on walking all over you, crushing you and interfering with your life. Stealing, killing and destroying everything you put your hands to.   It does not have to be that way! Don’t allow the devil to have any more control over you! When God sets you free don’t let the devil come back in your life and start setting up the strongholds in your mind that got you in that condition in the first place. To Hell with the Devil!

Don’t you know that Jesus has already delegated authority to use His Name to those who believe in Him. You must exercise that authority or the devil will continue to wreak havoc in your life. Do not be afraid of the devil and his minions. Jesus defeated them and He gave you authority over all of them and He expects you to use it.  {Matt 28:18-19- Phil 2:10- Luke 10:19.} Listen, God told us to resist the devil and he would flee. We must believe and act on God’s Word. Be confident in whom you are and the righteousness you have in Jesus. Do not be a door mate for the devil! Use your authority in Jesus, and fight until you have victory. You have authority over him! Jesus said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). What the problem is?

Maybe I should remind you of the story that Jesus told His disciples. Jesus told His disciples how He had seen the fall of Satan in heaven. And there, Jesus said, that Satan’s fall had been “like lightning” (Luke 10:18), when God cast him out. When Jesus told Satan in the wilderness, “Enough is enough” Satan disappeared from Jesus presence too at the speed of lightning. And when we resist Satan in the Name of Jesus today, he will flee from us too at the speed of lighting. I tell you Satan is afraid of the Name of Jesus. He is afraid to be reminded of the fact that Jesus is Lord. Remember, Satan was defeated once and for all by Jesus on the cross. Don’t let him continue to beat you up! Paul said: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witness.” (1 Timothy 6:12) I tell you Paul never lost his fight; he was filled with it to his dying day. And many of our other spiritual fathers died fighting as well. Men like Joshua and Caleb were mighty warriors too the very end! Jacob was our example of how to get back our Fight – and how to prevail with God! When the prophet Hosea wanted to warn Israel about their cowardly spiritual condition, he reminded them of their father Jacob. The crux of his message was, “You’ve become weak, passive. And now the enemy is overwhelming you! You claim to be Jacob’s seed – but I want to show you how far you’ve strayed from his example. I want to show you how Jacob prevailed – how he had power with God!” Jacob was a man greedy for God, hungry for everything God had for him!” He came out of the womb in a fighting mood, greedy for the blessings of God! Right now God is saying, “Come on, and fight!” – Because He loves you! He wants you to claim all His blessings. Rise up in faith and lay hold of His promise, Stand up and fight! You have His Strength – use it! When the enemy comes tormenting you, you must be ready to fight back. Just as David saw Goliath, David said this guy is too big for me to miss with my sling shot, I can take him down, and his carcass will be for the birds to feed on. If that isn’t faith alone in God Almighty then I don’t know what is. David said with the Name of the Lord victory was in sight. You ought to take a positional attitude that says NO to the devil! Give him no room, no chance to influence your life. We are to have an attitude that says NO! The buck stops here! Not even one more inch!” because NO is a way of taking a stand. It is a spiritual stubbornness, a resolve, an attitude that shouts out, “Enough is enough…You’ve gone too far…. That’s it! When you take that stance and do what God requires of you according to 2 Cor 10:4-6, God will show up and take care of your enemy. It is all dependent upon you doing your part to obey and pull down the strongholds and casting down the imaginations. Resolve to settle the matter, once and for all! Don’t let the Devil keep beating you up! To Hell with the Devil!


Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman