Lou Coleman

“It’s Not Worth It… I Tell You!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Short-term pleasure; long-term misery and pain. SIN… a moment of pleasure, but leads to death!  Jesus said that your soul is worth more than the rest of the world put together. He asked, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” [Mark 8:36]. The value of your soul… It is the most valuable possession you have. All the wealth and power you might gain is not worth the price of your soul!  It is a lesson you will do well to remember. If you don’t believe me just ask the rich man who pleaded,” I beg you, father, ‘send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them so they will not also end up in this place of torment [Luke 16:28]. The rich man in hell lifted up his eyes, being in torment and said please; send someone to warn my brothers, for Hell is no joke. It’s a very real place and there is no place like Hell.  How long will you allow the devil to lie to you? I tell you, you cannot afford to lose your soul for if you lose it, you lose all. So wake up! Enough of this foolishness!  It’s time to take a stand, to fight back – to take control!

Listen, if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to Hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment [2 Peter 2:4] what do you think he will do to you if you keep on sinning.  The best advice is to put as much distance as you can between yourself and the sources of sin and temptation in your life, because Satan will not stop until he has ruined your life. He will not back down until sin has taken everything of value from you. He will not stop until you are broken, your life wasted and you are of no use to God! Stop being a puppet for Satan! His only purpose is to kill, steal and destroy you!  

And never try to cover up your sin. Because the moment you do, it will raise it ugly head. Let me give you an example.  Have you ever watched an opossum escape from a predator? They use a defense mechanism distinct to only a few animals—playing dead. When faced with a threat, an opossum will often fall on the ground, close his eyes, extend his limbs, and lie very still. He appears lifeless—and harmless. But when the danger passes, he revives and scurries away. You can almost hear laughter as he makes his escape.

Playing dead seems to be an effective means of survival, but opossums aren’t the sole practitioners of that strategy. Our sins often “play dead” too, especially when faced with the threat of execution. They fake death in order to escape it. While you may think you’ve slain a particular sin, sometimes life still pulses within your enemy and it secretly takes its leave, stays quiet, and waits on danger to pass.

We’ve all been tricked by sin’s craftiness, haven’t we? How many times have you sheathed your sword, convinced sin was finished, only to suffer a violent retaliation a few hours later? How does that happen, and what can you do to stop it? Rather than conceal your sins, confess and forsake them. That’s how you kill sin (1 John 1:9). Merely covering up your sin obscures the problem from plain sight, which keeps it secret. You can’t hit a target you can’t see. Sin doesn’t die in those conditions—it thrives.

Don’t be deceived like Achan who hid his sin and silenced his conscience until it was too late. He even brought sin’s treachery into his own home (Joshua 7:21). His deception cost him his life—and the life of his entire family (Joshua7:24-25). Don’t cover up your sin, kill it.  So the next time your sin drops to the ground before you, closes its eyes, and appears dead, don’t sheathe your sword. Kill your sins God’s way, or die sin’s way.

I pray that the Holy Ghost will use this message to grip your soul – and to put some fight back in you. God wants you to stand up against the devil – to reclaim all the territory you’ve given up to him! You see the battle on Mount Carmel never was between Elijah and Jezebel – it was between God and the devil! Elijah was full of God’s Spirit, and Jezebel was possessed by Satan. It was a battle between the powers of hell and God’s corporate body on earth!

If you do not stop sinning, one of the greatest torments in Hell for you will be every sermon you heard will be repeated in your mind over and over throughout eternity. Every plea which you ignored will be heard over and over again in Hell. My advice to you is that you should flee the wrath to come. Run to Jesus and be saved! For the loss of the soul is an ETERNAL loss. Once the soul is lost, it is lost forever [Isaiah 33:14]. It’s Not Worth It!

Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman