Lou Yeboah

“So You Want Things to Change, but You Don’t Want to Change!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Huh…. How do that work? It doesn’t! Listen, you must adopt the mentality that concludes: CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME. That’s right! If you want to see change you must first start within. It’s that simple and it’s that profound. You know Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see.” Maya Angelou said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” In other words, nothing happens unless you make it happen. You must become a game changer. And what is a game changer? A game changer is someone who will step up and make a big play that affect the outcome of the game. Change can only happen if you want to see it happen, and then the only way a change could happen is if you put your effort into it. The problem is you don’t want to do nothing, you just what things to change on its own. Well boo, boo, I hate to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t work that way!

You know most of us are praying that God will change our circumstances.  Well I want you to know that God is not the least interested in changing your circumstances.  He is interested in changing your character.  When those circumstances have changed your character then God may change your circumstances. Yea, we want God to change our circumstances. We want him to take away all of the problems, all of the pain, all the sorrow, all the suffering, all the sickness, and all the sadness.  But God says, yeah, I know that’s important but what’s most important is what’s happening in you. I’m far more interested in changing your mind than I am in changing your circumstance. Because the only way change is going to happen is if you change your mind. You change your life by changing your mind. Now why must you manage your mind; because your thoughts control your life as [Proverbs 4:23] so eloquent put it…. Nothing happens in your life until you renew your mind.

So if you are serious about wanting change, you’re going to have to live according to the Bible. You will need to read it, study it, memorize it, meditate on it, and apply it because the Holy Spirit provides the power, the conviction, and the direction for life change. I tell you, you have the remedy and you have the power to rectify the situation and change things. So where does this leave you? With a decision! Change will not happen until you make it happen.

Let’s tie it all together.  God has a plan and a purpose.  That purpose is to make you like Jesus.  God has guaranteed that purpose is going to be fulfilled someday.  But he doesn’t want to wait until someday.  He wants to do it right now so that you can be a display case to the glory of God to a lost and dying world.  And so that you can be a source of life to others as Joseph became a source of life to others.  God is right now in this life trying to accomplish that purpose.  Do you know what tools God uses for that purpose?   The tool of circumstances.  God will arrange for you a set of circumstances, tailor-made, that will fit you perfectly.  The purpose of those circumstances is to accomplish God’s purpose in your life. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. We are not afflicted, either by chance or to our harm, but by God’s providence for our great profit: who as he chose us from the beginning, so has he predestined us to be made similar to the image of his Son: and therefore will bring us in his time, being called and justified, to glory, by the cross. Not only afflictions; but whatever else [Romans 8:28-29].

Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman