Lou Yeboah

“You Snake in the Grass!”

louBy Lou Coleman

Pretending to be a Christian! Pretending to love Me! You don’t love Me! [John 5:42]. You profess to know Me, but you deny Me by your works. You are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good works.” [Titus 1:16]. Admirably and truly did Isaiah prophesy of you when he said: You hypocrite! You honor Me with [your] lips, but [your] heart is far from Me [Isaiah 29:13; Ezekiel 33:31-33; Matthew 15:7-8]. You Pharisees, “brood of vipers” and “evil.” Sons of Hell, fools, blind guides, white sepulchers, murderers, a generation of snakes [Matthew 23] imitating righteousness but as evil as all get up [2 Corinthians 11:13-15]. I want you to know that you will be sent to Hell [Matthew 23: 13-29; John 3:5; Hebrew 6:8; Luke 20: 45-47] if you do not repent and serve Me with your whole heart. [Matthew 23:27]. If you don’t believe anything else about me, you better believe that! I will whoosh your behind straight to Hell! Say something…. I dare you! I will gather you, and blow upon you in the FIRE of My wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof…, and ye shall know that I the Lord have poured out My fury upon you” [Ezekiel 22:18-22].

I want you to know that Jesus didn’t pull any punches. He didn’t mince His words. He spoke harshly, demeaningly, and with great anger in His voice to the scribes and Pharisees when it came to the sins and hypocrisy of their lives. Snakes hiding in the garden known as the Church, apostates whose doctrines are poisonous, you better learn what their markings are because there are many in the church today that are running neck to neck with Judas Iscariot who was the most successful hypocrite of all time. He played his part so well that no one but Jesus Himself knew that Judas was a fraud and a pretender. He was as common and as ordinary as the rest of the disciples. He was so ordinary that he never stood out from the rest. He hid behind the camouflage of hypocrisy. To who am talking too; running neck to neck with Judas; keeping a low profile and camouflaging your hypocrisy. If you pretend to know God when you don’t… the penalty for that makes every other form of punishment man can come up with seem like a walk in the park.   It will be worse than any other from the beginning of the world until now, says the Lord [Matthew 23; Matthew 24]. I want you to know that the story of Ananias and Sapphira warns us of the danger of the sin of hypocrisy [Acts 4:36-5:11] It was literally deadly for this couple.  [Acts 5:1-11]. This couple, who put on the mask of hypocrisy, was struck dead by God. You better get some get right quick and in a hurry!

You see the Bible calls hypocrisy a sin and clearly indicates that those who practice it will be sent to Hell. You must repent while “it is still day: while there is still time; while the doors remain open.  I urge you today to stop trifling with the patience and mercy of God, and allow God’s Word to confront your life. If you’re playing the religion game, quit now! Get real with the living God. Spend time each day with Him. Judge your sins and turn from them. Seek to grow in godly character. If you don’t know that one day the storm of GOD’s wrath will come sweeping down upon you and you will know then what your sinful stubborn heart will not let you understand now.  May God pit you in that day!

“Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish.” [Luke 13:3]

Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman