“Ain’t Nobody Business!”


Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Now I know that this week message might sound similar to last week message, but to the Spirit direction. Amen!

Now that we got that out of the way… How many of you remember the movie, Lady Sings the Blues…. Diana Ross was superb and did she not sing that song…  Ain’t Nobody’s Business…. like it was nobody business…. Oh yes, she did!  She sang that song. She said, I’m gonna do just what I want to anyway, and don’t care if you all despise me. If I should take a notion to jump into the ocean, it ain’t nobody’s business if I do. If I go to church on Sunday and I shimmy down on Monday, It ain’t nobody’s business if I do, Lord no.” and Bobby Brown echoed, its “My Prerogative, why don’t they just let me live? I don’t need permission. Make my own decision, that’s my prerogative. I can do what I wanna do.” Cold parts about it….They are right. God has given you free will, “choice” and you have the right to accept Him or reject Him, but what I want you to know today is what you don’t have is His right to His judgment. But go ahead and enjoy your life; be happy, do what you want to do, and follow your heart desire, just remember though, that God is going to judge you for whatever you do; but don’t let that worry you or cause you pain because, “Ain’t nobody business if you do!”

Now because I don’t want you to be blind to the consequences of your choices; but want you to have a clear understanding about your choosing;  why you are still young before dismal and years come when you will say I don’t enjoy life; before the light of the sun, the moon, and the stars begins to grow dim for you; before the time comes when the rain cloud will never pass away; before your arms that have protected you begin to tremble and your legs which are now strong begin to grow weak; before your teeth become too few to chew your food and your eyes too dim to see clearly; before your tears become deaf to the noise of the streets; before you are barely able to hear the mill as it grind or music as it plays; before the songs of the dead awake you from your sleep; before you become afraid of high places; before your walking becomes dangerous for you; before your hair turn white and before you are hardly able to drag yourself alone… I want you to know that everybody got their business. You got yours and God has His. Do not be deceived. God will not be mocked!  [Ecclesiastes 11:10; 12:1-8].

I tell you, you better ask Eli [1Sam 2:27] did not God clearly reveal Himself to his father house when they were in Egypt? Yes, he did! Why? Because, “Ain’t Nobody Business” really is “Somebody Business,” God!  I tell you, we are so short-sighted, we choose wrong. We choose the world over choosing God. Careful!  Paul the apostle made a statement. [Eph 5:15-17] See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil, wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Did you hear what he said- be careful how you live – redeem the time; (make the most of every opportunity). I want you to know that the Bible talks a great deal about wisdom and contrasts it with foolishness. Proverbs declares that there is nothing in the world that is more valuable than wisdom: Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. (Proverbs 4:7, NIV)

So often, we are encouraged to “follow our hearts” or to do what “feels right” or “live in the moment.” This is the epitome of foolishness! When you choose to think only about your present desires without really weighing the consequences of your actions, you act foolishly. Wisdom is about seeing the big picture and living based on what you know to be true rather than on what you feel. Paul says that since we have been made new by God, we must be careful to live wisely instead of living foolishly. In other words, be careful how you live, and walk in the way of wisdom as opposed to the way of foolishness. Remember that the choices you make have consequences—often consequences that you may not be able to anticipate. Paul wants you to understand that walking wisely is intended to protect you and to guide you along the best path for your life. Therefore, be deliberate in your choices, and choose to walk in the way of wisdom because there is a great deal at stake… If you didn’t know, now you know, “Ain’t Nobody Business is Somebody Business –God!”

Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman