Bottomline: Men, Stop Paying Dues To WeWhoSit2P!

Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen IV

My brother/uncle/nephew/son, be careful! The chickens are coming home to roost!  We have sometimes/often/always miss-treated the women in our lives! Notice that I did not say, “our” women! I did not use the term “our” because that is the road to miss-treatment!  The women in our lives do not belong to us… They are not our property!

However, there is an attitude that prevails among some men, a secret society of “We Who Stand 2P” that regards “Those Who Sit 2P” as a slave-gender! The membership of that secret society ranges from the very rich and powerful to the poor and weak.

Their mistreatment of women is the common thread. Many men have paid mistreatment dues to the society and now, thanks to social media, the books have been hacked and all of the receipts reflecting payment to the club are becoming public knowledge.

The time/era that overtly embraced sexism has passed but the memory/damages of that treatment is in our world-face.  The last ditch stand to legitimize the society is being led by President Donald P-Grabbing Trump!

My brother/uncle/nephew/son, you are being solicited every day to maintain your membership in WWS2P!   President P-Grabber wants you to believe that sexism is alive and well… Don’t! Our war is not the boys against the girls… It is/should-be about good vs evil!


About Wallace J. Allen