ChaChe Wright, SB NAACP President, Attorney Ben Crump, Wallace Allen

Bottomline: The Robert Adams Shooting by SB Police Looks Like Murder!

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen, IV

A surveillance video depicting the July 16th shooting of 23-year-old Robert Adams, shows a plain looking dark colored auto driving onto a parking lot… Simultaneously a man with something in his hand begins walking towards the car but suddenly turns and quickly takes off running away towards some cars parked near a wall… As he is running away, two men exit the car, one starts shooting… The man running falls to the ground.

I am told by authorities that the men in the dark colored auto were police investigating an illegal gambling site and that the man shot was working as illegal security for the illicit operation… And that he was running to a place of shelter from where he could shoot at the police… So the officer felt threatened and began firing… Robert Adams died with multiple bullet wounds in the back.

Police say the object in Robert’s hand was a gun… Robert’s mother says that she was on the phone with Robert when he was shot… She says that she heard the gunshots that took her son’s life! Was the object in his hand a gun or a phone?

The video, as I see it, does not look like a police operation… The car the police are in does not appear to be a police car nor do the men in the car look like police! The only thing that identifies this as a police operation is the police explanation of what my eyes see! My eyes, without the police voice-over description, see two men jumping from an auto and after two or three steps, one immediately starts shooting at a fleeing man!

I was enticed to be influenced by negative statements about Robert’s past. Enticed to believe that he was a ‘bad dude’ that deserved to be shot. My logic injects, if Robert was all that they say he was, why did they not arrest him sooner… Why wait for fate to put Robert on the table… Wait for fate to bring this ‘bad dude’ to them during a police operation that the police say was based on investigating illegal gambling? That means that the police did not go to that site with Robert Adams as their subject of attention! If Robert was not their reason for being there, it appears that the description of Robert as a ‘bad dude’ is a convenient after-thought to justify the killing!

The video content does not look like a police operation… It looks more like a low budget film depicting a gangland hit job!

Does police policy identify everyone that has a gun in their possession as someone police officers can shoot with indemnity? There are many people who have the right to carry a gun! How does the police policy deal with that? If officers have clearance to shoot because they feel threatened by someone that appears to have a gun, how does the public deal with that? Is it policy to shoot people because they run from people with guns who don’t look like police? If police are threatened enough by people with guns to shoot them, surely, we can understand why people are threatened enough by people with guns to run from them!

If the San Bernardino Police Department policy allows for officers to wear unofficial looking uniforms and drive plain looking autos to go out to investigate, but, end up shooting first and figuring out why later, the City is going to both, go broke from being sued and go to hell for being the devil!

Robert Adams was a Black Man, loved by his family and respected by his friends… And, even the police who ended his life, point out that he had a job!

About Wallace J. Allen