BOTTOMLINE: Time to “Get Up And Get Down”!

Publisher’s Commentary By Wallace J. Allen 

Nike has voted! The Nike 30th Anniversary advertising campaign features Colin Kaepernick and the phrase “Just Do It!”  The signature Nike theme phrase implies much more than accomplishing a sports goal! Colin Kaepernick’s image widens the context to include protesting injustice and inequality!

Please register so you can vote! Ask your friends, real and virtual, to verify their registration and reregister if need be!  You can register via your computer. You can register at your County Registrar of Voters/ Elections Office. You can help others register via your computer.

Once registered you can then vote your conscience. I hope that you will vote with me and with Nike as we seek justice and equal access in this great country that our forefathers/mothers have vested their lives to create!

About Wallace J. Allen