Cash for College Workshop Focused on Helping Black and African American Students

The California Student Aid Commission will be hosting a “Cash for College Workshop” webinar via Zoom on Tuesday, December 7, 5:00 – 6:30 pm. The webinar will focus on helping Black and African students complete the FAFSA and get the financial aid they need to help pay for college.

The event is open to students statewide, and we are hoping to attract participants from every region. We would appreciate your assistance in sharing the attached flyer with students and parents, churches, community leaders, and community-based organizations and encourage them to register right away.

It is also encouraged for any dignitaries, community leaders and influencers to register for the event. Your support and presence will speak volumes to students and parents who continue to question the value of a college education and whose enrollment numbers continue to decline during the pandemic.

Registration link:

Author: Wallace

About Wallace