Krystal Yvonne

Happy Birthday Ms. Krystal Yvonne! [April 23rd]

Krystal Yvonne

Krystal Yvonne

By Lou Coleman

A woman who is blessed with a daughter looks for ways to protect her. She says, “God, I offer you a prayer for my daughter. Father, let my daughter [Krystal] walk in confidence and in the power of your anointing. Let her be a woman of joy and laughter whose Christ-centered character is what makes her most beautiful. Give my daughter a deep desire to listen to You. Let her be humble. Allow her to be Godly. I pray for my daughter to speak carefully. To raise her voice in defense of the weak. To speak soothingly to those in need. To use words that is productive and kind.  Give my daughter an anointing of faith and to draw close to you and to overcome any challenge that may work against her. I prayer for her to trust You. Give her unprecedented favor and assurance that you will defend her. Give her knowledge of your power in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen!


Happy Birthday to the most beautiful person in [my] world, my daughter Ms. Krystal Yvonne, model, actress, entertainment host/moderator/interviewer, owner of MKY Petite Modeling Agency. This is another special day of thanking God for the wonderful gift He gave us. You have brought us immense joy since you came into this world. May you continue to be successful in all your life’s endeavors! Always and Forever!

If you would like more information as to how you can send a birthday greetings to your love one please inquire to

Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman