Lou Coleman

“In All Your Getting, Get an Understanding!”

By Lou K. Coleman

Because there can be no doubt that we are living in the last days. The signs we are seeing and the things taking place in this world point to the soon coming final events, the mark of the beast, the time of trouble and the return of Jesus Christ. In all your getting, get an understanding! [Proverbs 4:7].

You can know what the signs are that will precede Christ’s coming and watch for them. Why stay in ignorance about the meaning of the events taking place around you? Jesus commands watch and to be ready. [Luke 21:36]. I tell you; your entire life is about to change. Events will unfold soon to destroy the world’s way of life as we have known it. Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating, bloody war in human history—called, in biblical terminology, the Great Tribulation. [Matthew 24:21–22]. We are now approaching that time, and these things are now being revealed. [Daniel 12:10]. In all your getting, get an understanding!

We are living in a time like no other before us, and yet just as in the days of Noah and Lot, people continue to ‘eat and drink’ and live as if nothing is going to happen.

What willful ignorance! The truth is that God is shaking all that can be shaken. And what is still to come is too dreadful to think about.

Listen in [Romans 13:11] we are given a warning. “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now, is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” The Apostle Paul is telling us that we need to be aware of the times in which we live and act accordingly. Jesus also stressed the importance of this when He asked, “Can you not discern the signs of the times?” [Matthew 16:3]. I tell you; you must understand the spiritual significance of current events. We are not living in ordinary times. We are nearing the end of an age—the end of a civilization. So, in all your getting, get an understanding. A world-shaking crisis is inexorably building and will, in the near future, explode the appearance of normalcy. You need to know that the progression of disturbing news stories is not random and inconsequential. In fact, they foreshadow remarkable key trends and specific events that will change everything you are familiar with in the next few decades!

Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.  [Proverbs 4:5-7].

Author: Wallace

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