Lou Coleman

“Nevertheless, Not My Will, But Thy Will, Oh Lord!”

By Lou Yeboah

Boy, only, if we would take that stance, how different our lives would be. But naw, we want, “Our Will”  to be done. Well, News Flash! It’s not about “Our Will,” it’s about “God’s Will,” and the sooner we register that the better off we will be.  For thus saith the Lord, “You come into the New Year expecting Me to do for you what you want do for Me. Tell Me… What have you done for Me lately? Have you fed the hungry? Visited the sick? Or even entertained strangers? No! Then why do you bother Me? What do you want from Me? You want Me to give you what you want, while all of the time you have neglected, overlooked, and not even considered my will, nor my work. Well forget about it! If you can’t keep My Commandments, why should I let you inquire of me at all? [Ezekiel 14:3]. I tell you, “If you love me, you will obey what I command. For whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one that gets My blessings. So until you obey, don’t expect my blessings, Period!  I told you, “My New is not Your New in 2020, and I don’t care what man has prophesied to you, until you obey, forget about it! The Great I Am has spoken!”

I tell you, just as Haggai’s message was blunt and he pulled no punches and wasted no words, I want you to know that God is withholding His blessing because your priorities are not right. As Haggai said, “Put God’s house first and He will bless you.” Jesus said the same thing: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.”  [Psalms 37:4] says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” 

Understand that the blessings of God as promised to all believers do not materialize automatically. There are some things that God says we need to do to activate His blessings. According to [Deuteronomy 28:1-2] “If we will LISTEN diligently to the voice of the Lord our God, being watchful to DO ALL His commandments, THEN the Lord will set you high above all the nations of the earth, and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.  This is the key to unlocking the blessings of God in your life. [Psalm 112:1].

I believe that every year that God gives us on this earth is to be a year where we are as productive as we can be for His work and as pleasing as we can be for His glory. I hope that the longer you live the more you realize just how fleeting these years are and just how important it is to maximize the potential of each year for being what you ought to be and doing what you ought to do. The truth that obedience to God brings blessing, is the first principle in understanding what it means to be a child of God. Failure to understand this first principle and failure to implement it is to forfeit God’s best  in your life. 

I write this not to condemn anyone, but to remind us all that Jesus who suffered and died for us, expects something from us. We cannot expect to continually take and take from Him and not do something for Him. It is after all, a relationship that we have with Him, and relationships are all about give and take. God wants us to do our part – so He can do His. 

Listen…. Follow… Do…. Blessings Activated by Obedience.  Welcome to the New Year… 2020!

Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman