SBCUSD officials determined it was not in the best interests of parents or employees to continue leasing the facility on Second Street.

SBCUSD Welcoming Resource Center to Close

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—The San Bernardino City Unified School District’s (SBCUSD) Welcoming Resource Center, currently at 781 #A W. Second Street in San Bernardino, will be closing October 1.

The district leased the Second Street location in 2018, opening a temporary Welcoming Resource Center where families could enroll new students while a new, permanent facility is built adjacent to the Board of Education building.

“The construction of the new resource center is slated to begin soon,” said

SBCUSD Administrator of Operations Sam Precie. “We’re excited to share more details in the coming months about our plans to break ground on this project that means so much to our community.”

“Our families have advocated for a permanent place that we hope will become a hub of valuable resources for students and families,” Precie added, “and we’re getting closer to making that a reality.”

The new center will be a single destination for families looking to enroll their children in SBCUSD schools, conduct a language assessment, access health and wellness needs, get support services for students in foster care and homeless situations, and technology needs.  

After considering several factors, SBCUSD officials determined it was not in the best interests of parents or employees to continue leasing the facility on Second Street. SBCUSD will close the building by October 1 and relocate the remaining employees to other facilities.

Enrollment and Placement Services, the Language Assessment Center, and the Family Engagement Office are among the departments still located at the Welcoming Resource Center (WRC) on Second Street. Families will still be able to enroll their children in school at any SBCUSD school campus and online while Enrollment and Placement Services relocates.

“Enrolling at your neighborhood school has always been an option for families, and school staff continue to be ready to provide good customer service to our new students and families while our Enrollment and Placement Services staff move,” said Chief Communications and Community Engagement Officer Ginger Ontiveros.

The departments located at Second Street will be relocated to the following locations:

Enrollment and Placement Services and the Language Assessment Center staff will be relocated to empty classrooms at Jones Elementary School, located at 700 North F Street in San Bernardino.

Family Engagement Office staff is scheduled to move to space at Dr. Mildred Dalton Henry Elementary School, 1250 W. 14th Street in San Bernardino.

Multilingual Programs staff will move to the Professional Development Center (PDC), 4030 Georgia Blvd. in San Bernardino.

Specialized Programs, GATE, transitional kindergarten (TK), and PE staff will move to Lincoln Elementary, 255 W. 13th Street in San Bernardino.

The District is committed to keeping families updated on the relocation process through the official SBCUSD website and social media channels, as well as notices via ParentSquare. ParentSquare is the District’s new all-in-one communication platform.

“We want to make this transition as easy as possible for our families,” Ontiveros said. “In the end, we know this move is the right thing for students and staff.”

WSS News
Author: WSS News

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