The Hebrew Review: The Hebrew Doctrine

By Ysrayl

For the uplifting and encouragements of my people…

The Hebrew Doctrine is the only doctrine that ensures their believers of a life expectancy beyond the grave. I myself laid out each brochure of each faith before me, and considered the strength of the faith. It was the best thing that was going on. We are the only faith that promises eternal life through the sacrificial blood atonement which places us back in terms with the Mighty One.

Our ancestors followed the precepts in the literal ceremonials, pointing ahead into the future of Messia, [of whom would come through the loins of a Hebress woman.] The Word came in the flesh, in the person of Yahshua, and there are those of our forebears that beheld His glory [John 1]. We in this day, observe these same ceremonials in the Spirit, by faith, not by anything we can touch and feel, see and smell. Yah is a spirit. These festivals of old were and are summed up in the life and death of Jesus the Christ. In Genesis, we observe the Mighty One taking a skin [we suppose a lamb] making the covering for their sin. We have Yahshua taking His blood into the presence of Yah as the atonement for the world, regardless of complexions of skin. This life is offered to all. It takes you to receive it. It’s freely given. You don’t have to pay for the Word of Yah. The so-called preachers are cheating you. Those of us that believe in this message are promised eternal life with the Father, and when we sleep [we will] be awaken in Paradise and we will see our loved ones again; mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, all of us will unite up under the banner of Love, over our heads in Yah’s Kingdom. This is the gift that God gives to those of us that believe.

WSS News
Author: WSS News

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