Two California Sisters Take Water Conservation to TikTok with Save Our Water

SACRAMENTO CA— California’s Save Our Water program is excited to announce the WaterWise Squad, a new TikTok effort featuring a group of young Californians who encourages water conservation through trendy videos, songs, and dance moves.  On the five member WaterWise Squad are two sisters from California’s Central Valley, Nirina and Lalaina Rabetsimba, ages 15 and 16.

The Squad is engaging in a fresh, fun way to raise awareness and get kids to practice and share tips that urges everyone to continue exercising water saving habits.  The Rabetsimba sisters began creating content on TikTok as way to display their extensive backgrounds in musical theater, choir, gymnastics, and dance.

“We hope that by participating in the WaterWise campaign, we encourage other kids, friends, family and people in our community to conserve water,” said Nirina Rabetsimba. “We have always tried to save water, but now we are even more conscious about taking shorter showers because every drop counts.”

The two teens practice saving water by recycling indoor water for outdoor use to water their plants, and by turning the faucet off when brushing their teeth or in-between washing their hands and dishes.

Lalaina and Nirina helped create four TikTok videos that share the following water saving tips:

  1. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas.
  2. Turn off the faucet in between rinsing produce. Doing so can save over four gallons of water!
  3. Three rotations of the coffee grinder dance are all the time it takes to water plants.
  4. Don’t let the faucet run while brushing teeth and washing hands.
  5. Run the dishwasher or washing machine for full loads only.

Despite recent rain and winter storms across California, water conservation efforts are still very necessary for all Californians during the drought.  For more water conservation resources and tips, visit

About Save Our Water

Save Our Water is a statewide, water conservation program created in 2009 by the Department of Water Resources.  The program aims to make water conservation a daily habit among all Californians.

Check out The Rabetsimba sisters on the Save Our Water’s TikTok @SaveOurWaterCA Instagram @saveourwater.

Author: Wallace

About Wallace