If It Ain’t One Thing, It’s Another…. Trouble!

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

What do you do when you face one problem after another? What do you do when the dust starts flying? When the smoke gets thick and the fire is too hot? What do you do? Do you reason with yourself and say well I’m trying to believe? Or do you say, “If it ain’t one thing, it’s another? “ Now the Bible doesn’t indicate this, but I believe it may have crossed Job’s mind that, “If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.”

One thing about trouble is that, it’s one of the few things we don’t have to worry about running out of. If you want trouble you don’t have to go out and look for it, trouble will find you. Trouble is smart, trouble will dial your number, trouble knows your address, and trouble knows your name and the names of your children. Trouble likes to lie down between a husband and wife. Many times trouble likes to clock in with you on your job.  And can I just tell you something, trouble doesn’t even mind getting dressed in its Sunday best. It doesn’t mind walking into the church house. Trouble is a gossiper and sometimes trouble can fool you and make you think it’s your friend and as soon as trouble decides that it’s the right time, trouble will show its true color. Trouble! “If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.”

Job was a man who actually lived on this earth (he was not a mythical character), he was a man of great devotion to God; He was also a very rich man. He was a man who tried his best to avoid evil. Job was a family man, who had seven sons and three daughters. He had land, cattle, and servants. Job had everything a man could ever want. He was successful, but he didn’t let his success go to his head. He knew that whatever he had and whatever he achieved was only because of God’s grace and mercy.

One day (my Bible tells me) in heaven, the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord.  Satan also came along. Imagine that! Where we go, Satan goes. And don’t think that when we go to church the devil is no where around.  He doesn’t mind coming to church. He doesn’t even mind if you yourself show up. Matter of fact, He doesn’t mind you singing in the choir, as long as you don’t believe what you’re singing about. He doesn’t mind you shouting in the church, as long as that shout is just like a sounding brass and a twinkling cymbal signifying nothing. The thing that really bothers him though, is when you get down on your knees and start talking to God about your troubles.

God asked Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job?” And the devil responded, “Ain’t no use of me fooling around with him, seeing that you’ve built a fence around him.” But if you would just remove that fence and let me have at him, I think we’ll see a horse of a different color. So God gave His permission (with some limitations included) and the devil got started in doing what he does best, tormenting a child of God.

Job received bad news one after another. One man came with a sad report, and while he was yet speaking, another came and another after that. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Job wife said to him, “Why want you cuss God and die!”  But can I tell you, through it all Job praised God.

Sometimes our faith can and will be challenged, one trial after another.  Sometimes, trouble comes in doubles, and sometimes even in triples. But Job, He decided to hold on to God’s unchanging hand. What an example of faith! No matter what happens to us, no matter what the devil has in store, we need to have faith and know WHOM it is that we have placed our confidence in. For He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. He rules! Hallelujah!  So be encouraged, and know that the God we serve is much too merciful to leave us with nothing.  Know WHOM you have placed your confidence in.

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Lou Coleman
Author: Lou Coleman

About Lou Coleman


  1. I consumed this article with anticipation. The article is “universal in scope” and lends its import to all who would tread upon this earth, primarily because of its ubiquitous application.

    While we tend to forget about “the indomitable force” called trouble after it ceases to be in our lives,
    on occasion, it returns with equal or exaggerated strength. We are born and burdened with the “Task of Sisyphus”, who was cursed with rolling a stone to the top of the mountain. Only when he could reach the summit, would he be free from the curse of the Gods. As of this day, it is said that he has yet to reach the top, so his task continues.

    Trouble presents us with such a task as that of Sisyphus, since we are forced to continue to respond to its demands. It is with abiding Faith that we are able to challenge and or withstand the comports of trouble, as it wears many hats and comes oftentimes as a “thief in the night” ready to confront us as we awake.

    So, it seems that Eternal Faith will provide the strength to tolerate trouble and will depreciate its effects, even upon the Soul. Ron

  2. I’m remiinded of the movie Forrest Gump when Forrest reminded us of what his Mama said. “Mama always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” And when Lt. Dan said: Now, you listen to me. We all have a destiny. Nothing just happens, it’s all part of a plan. Jesus said,
    • Come to Me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest (Matt. 11:28).
    • “I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth” (Matt. 28:20).
    • He said that His words will not pass away (Mark 13:31).
    • He said that He would raise you up on the last day (John 6:40).
    • He said that whatever you asked in His name would be give to you. (John 14:14).
    • He said He would disclose Himself to you (John 14:21).
    • He said that He would reveal the Father to you (Matt. 11:27)
    • And He said He would return in the clouds and that every eye will see Him (Mark 13:27).
    Because of who God is and what He has already done for you, you can trust Him even more for the future and have no fear that He will continue to uphold you, love you, and continue His wonderful loving plan in your life.

  3. As a Christian, what do you do when life is coming down on you hard, when there seems to be no way out, when your relationship with God is being affected? When you are worried or afraid? When you are in distress? What do you do when you are facing such monumental obstacles? How do your resist temptation, flee from evil, or BELIEVE BEYOND your ability to understand how your problems can be solved? The answer lies in the Word of God. Who is God to you? Is He big or small? Is He all powerful or is He a wimp? Does He love you or does He just put up with you? How you perceive God affects how you respond to Him. The people of Judah knew who God was and that is why they looked to Him and trusted Him. We should trust God because He is Holy; He is THE King; and He is All Powerful, and because He loves us very much. God has given us salvation. Will He do any less for us when we face difficulties in our life? Will He let us be destroyed? I THINK NOT! No! We should trust God and not fear not only because of who He is, but also because of what He has already done, but also because of what He will do.

  4. Just a note to say how much I enjoyed, smiled, and fully have lived parts of your article. I cannot tell you as eloquently as others preceded me, I totally connected with you…………….Michael G.

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